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- Location: Paignton beach
A stroll by the sea Year: 1931 SAND 0039
All aboard the Skylark Circa. 1930 SAND 0041
Bit overdressed for the beach Year: 1925 SAND 0043
Elsie and Gladys Hodgson Year: 1938 SAND 0017
Enjoyment on the beach Circa. 1922 SAND 0035
Girlie Proctor with Uncle Jock Circa. 1932 SAND 0037
Group of ladies with small boy Year: 1909 SAND 0031
Large group on the beach Year: 1923 SAND 0033
Low Tide Paignton Year: 1925 ESPL 0079
Miss Grace with Nurse Annie Roe July 1912 Year: 1912 SAND 0029
Paignton Beach 1927 Year: 1927 SAND 0027
Picnic by the Beach Tent Circa. 1930 SAND 0047
Probably the Hodgson family Circa. 1938 SAND 0005
Setting off around the bay Year: 1928 SAND 0021
Sitting in the sun Circa. 1930 SAND 0001
Stroll along the esplanade Circa. 1925 SAND 0045
The Burnett Family by the Beach Huts Year: 1925 SAND 0025